Did you know that a balanced set of tires is vital to the upkeep of your vehicle? Besides interfering with driving concentration, wheels that are out of balance can also cause uneven tire wear, potentially shortening the life of your tires, as well as lowering your fuel economy. At Colony Tire, we have spent decades providing reliable, affordable tire balancing service to thousands of automobile owners, ensuring they get the most out of their tires.
The following signs of unstable steering may indicate a need for a tire balance from one of our Colony Tire auto shop locations in North Carolina or Virginia:
Using a computerized wheel balancing machine, our NC, SC, and VA mechanics will return the balance of your car, truck or SUV’s wheels to exact factory specifications. This unique tool offers unparalleled accuracy in the diagnosis of tire balance issues — and all in a much quicker time frame than traditional methods.
For professional tire care services, no one delivers like Colony Tire — after all, “Tire” is part of our name! If your car’s tires have begun to show signs of unbalance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us to learn more about our fast, effective wheel balancing service.
Schedule an appointment at one of our 29 locations North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, or Tennessee.