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Exhaust System Services Help Reduce Emissions, Improve Performance, & Increase Fuel Economy

A functioning exhaust system is vital to the health of your vehicle. A broken catalytic converter, muffler, or another related part could have serious consequences on the performance of your vehicle, affecting fuel economy, engine power, and other functions. What’s more, if exhaust issues are not immediately addressed, they can end up costing you hundreds — even thousands down the road.

At Colony Tire, our NC, SC, and VA auto repair specialists have experience working with exhaust system repairs and replacements of all types, including catalytic converter replacements, center exhaust section replacements, down-pipe replacements, manifold replacements, and muffler replacements. Whether you need a basic repair performed or a replacement part installed, our team has the skills and resources to get the job done right the first time.

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Possible Warning Signs of an Exhaust Problem

Think it may be time for an exhaust inspection? Below are a few of the most common signs of an exhaust problem:

  • Unusual smells (For example, the smell of exhaust or a sharp/acidic smell)
  • Below-average fuel economy
  • Excessive noise (clunking, rattling, hissing, whistling, etc.)
  • Rough idling or excessive vibrations when parked
  • Rust, cracks or other issues with the muffler or other visible exhaust system parts

If any of these issues sound familiar, don’t hesitate to call your local Colony Tire auto care center! We’d be happy to schedule you an appointment for an exhaust inspection or another related service.

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